Picross DS

April 7, 2012

Finished off Devil Survivor early this morning. Aside from 3 or 4 battles, I really enjoyed it. The last battle was too much trial and error though, at least in the ending route I ended up picking.

Then I made one final push and finished off Picross DS. The late puzzles in that are pretty brutal, I ended up using a guide when I got stuck, which was often, but whatever.

Oh and I played a teensy bit of Devil Survivor 2, just started a character and ran through the early tutorial kind of stuff. I have to say, it’s biggest advantage over the first is more than one fucking save slot. Now I can choose whatever ending route I want and save in a different slot, and if the ending is too hard, maybe go back and choose a different one, which I really, really wanted to do in the first one. I ended up victorious nonetheless, but I still would’ve liked the option.

Categories: Gaming Journals, Picross DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor | Leave a comment

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